odps.df.core 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 1999-2022 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from ..models import Table
from ..models.partition import Partition
from ..compat import six, izip
from ..types import CompositeMixin
from .expr.utils import get_attrs
from .expr.expressions import CollectionExpr
from .types import validate_data_type
from .backends.odpssql.types import odps_schema_to_df_schema
from .backends.pd.types import pd_to_df_schema, df_type_to_np_type, cast_composite_sequence
from .backends.sqlalchemy.types import sqlalchemy_to_df_schema

    import pandas as pd
    has_pandas = True
except ImportError:
    has_pandas = False

    import sqlalchemy
    has_sqlalchemy = True
except ImportError:
    has_sqlalchemy = False

[文档] class DataFrame(CollectionExpr): """ Main entrance of PyODPS DataFrame. Users can initial a DataFrame by :class:`odps.models.Table`. :param data: ODPS table or pandas DataFrame :type data: :class:`odps.models.Table` or pandas DataFrame :Example: >>> df = DataFrame(o.get_table('my_example_table')) >>> df.dtypes odps.Schema { movie_id int64 title string release_date string video_release_date string imdb_url string user_id int64 rating int64 unix_timestamp int64 age int64 sex string occupation string zip_code string } >>> df.count() 100000 >>> >>> # Do the `groupby`, aggregate the `movie_id` by count, then sort the count in a reversed order >>> # Finally we get the top 25 results >>> df.groupby('title').agg(count=df.movie_id.count()).sort('count', ascending=False)[:25] >>> >>> # We can use the `value_counts` to reach the same goal >>> df.movie_id.value_counts()[:25] """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 1: data = args[0] else: data = kwargs.pop('_source_data', None) if data is None: raise ValueError('ODPS Table or pandas DataFrame should be provided.') if isinstance(data, Table): if '_schema' not in kwargs: kwargs['_schema'] = odps_schema_to_df_schema(data.table_schema) super(DataFrame, self).__init__(_source_data=data, **kwargs) elif isinstance(data, Partition): if '_schema' not in kwargs: kwargs['_schema'] = odps_schema_to_df_schema(data.table.table_schema) super(DataFrame, self).__init__(_source_data=data.parent.parent, **kwargs) self._proxy = self.copy().filter_parts(data) elif has_pandas and isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): if 'schema' in kwargs and kwargs['schema']: schema = kwargs.pop('schema') elif '_schema' in kwargs: schema = kwargs.pop('_schema') else: unknown_as_string = kwargs.pop('unknown_as_string', False) as_type = kwargs.pop('as_type', None) if as_type: data = data.copy() data.is_copy = False as_type = dict((k, validate_data_type(v)) for k, v in six.iteritems(as_type)) if not isinstance(as_type, dict): raise TypeError('as_type must be dict') for col_name, df_type in six.iteritems(as_type): if col_name not in data: raise ValueError('col(%s) does not exist in pd.DataFrame' % col_name) try: if isinstance(df_type, CompositeMixin): data[col_name] = cast_composite_sequence(data[col_name], df_type) else: pd_type = df_type_to_np_type(df_type) data[col_name] = data[col_name][data[col_name].notnull()].astype(pd_type) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Cannot cast col(%s) to data type: %s' % (col_name, df_type)) schema = pd_to_df_schema(data, as_type=as_type, unknown_as_string=unknown_as_string) super(DataFrame, self).__init__(_source_data=data, _schema=schema, **kwargs) elif has_sqlalchemy and isinstance(data, sqlalchemy.Table): if '_schema' not in kwargs: kwargs['_schema'] = sqlalchemy_to_df_schema(data.c) super(DataFrame, self).__init__(_source_data=data, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown type: %s' % data) def __setstate__(self, state): kv = dict(state) source_data = kv.pop('_source_data') kv.pop('_schema', None) self.__init__(source_data, **kv)
[文档] def view(self): kv = dict((attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in get_attrs(self)) data = kv.pop('_source_data') kv.pop('_schema', None) return type(self)(data, **kv)
[文档] @staticmethod def batch_persist(dfs, tables, *args, **kwargs): """ Persist multiple DataFrames into ODPS. :param dfs: DataFrames to persist. :param tables: Table names to persist to. Use (table, partition) tuple to store to a table partition. :param args: args for Expr.persist :param kwargs: kwargs for Expr.persist :Examples: >>> DataFrame.batch_persist([df1, df2], ['table_name1', ('table_name2', 'partition_name2')], lifecycle=1) """ from .delay import Delay if 'async' in kwargs: kwargs['async_'] = kwargs['async'] execute_keys = ('ui', 'async_', 'n_parallel', 'timeout', 'close_and_notify') execute_kw = dict((k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs) if k in execute_keys) persist_kw = dict((k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs) if k not in execute_keys) delay = Delay() persist_kw['delay'] = delay for df, table in izip(dfs, tables): if isinstance(table, tuple): table, partition = table else: partition = None df.persist(table, partition=partition, *args, **persist_kw) return delay.execute(**execute_kw)
@property def data(self): return self._source_data