odps.models.instance 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 1999-2022 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import print_function
import base64
import functools
import json
import logging
import sys
import threading
import time
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime

import requests

from .. import serializers, utils, errors, compat, readers, options
from ..accounts import BearerTokenAccount
from ..compat import Enum, six
from ..lib.monotonic import monotonic
from ..utils import to_str
from .core import LazyLoad, XMLRemoteModel, JSONRemoteModel
from .job import Job
from .readers import TunnelRecordReader, TunnelArrowReader
from .worker import WorkerDetail2, LOG_TYPES_MAPPING

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'See https://pyodps.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/base-sql.html#read-sql-exec-result '
    'for more information about limits on instance results.'

def _with_status_api_lock(func):
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kw):
        with self._status_api_lock:
            return func(self, *args, **kw)

    return wrapped

class SpawnedInstanceReaderMixin(object):
    def schema(self):
        return self._schema

    def _read_instance_split(
        conn, download_id, start, count, idx,
        rest_client=None, project=None, instance_id=None, tunnel_endpoint=None,
        # read part data
        from ..tunnel import InstanceTunnel

            instance_tunnel = InstanceTunnel(
                client=rest_client, project=project, endpoint=tunnel_endpoint
            session = instance_tunnel.create_download_session(
                instance=instance_id, download_id=download_id
            with session.open_record_reader(start, count, columns=columns) as reader:
                conn.send((idx, reader.to_pandas(), True))
            conn.send((idx, sys.exc_info(), False))

    def _get_process_split_reader(self, columns=None):
        rest_client = self._parent._client
        project = self._parent.project.name
        tunnel_endpoint = self._parent.project._tunnel_endpoint
        instance_id = self._parent.id

        return functools.partial(
            columns=columns or self._column_names,

class InstanceRecordReader(SpawnedInstanceReaderMixin, TunnelRecordReader):
    def __init__(self, instance, download_session):
        super(InstanceRecordReader, self).__init__(
            instance, download_session
        self._schema = download_session.schema

class InstanceArrowReader(SpawnedInstanceReaderMixin, TunnelArrowReader):
    def __init__(self, instance, download_session):
        super(InstanceArrowReader, self).__init__(
            instance, download_session
        self._schema = download_session.schema

[文档] class Instance(LazyLoad): """ Instance means that a ODPS task will sometimes run as an instance. ``status`` can reflect the current situation of a instance. ``is_terminated`` method indicates if the instance has finished. ``is_successful`` method indicates if the instance runs successfully. ``wait_for_success`` method will block the main process until the instance has finished. For a SQL instance, we can use open_reader to read the results. :Example: >>> instance = odps.execute_sql('select * from dual') # this sql return the structured data >>> with instance.open_reader() as reader: >>> # handle the record >>> >>> instance = odps.execute_sql('desc dual') # this sql do not return structured data >>> with instance.open_reader() as reader: >>> print(reader.raw) # just return the raw result """ __slots__ = ( "_task_results", "_is_sync", "_instance_tunnel", "_id_thread_local", "_status_api_lock", "_logview_address", "_logview_address_time", "_logview_logged", ) _download_id = utils.thread_local_attribute('_id_thread_local', lambda: None) def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'task_results' in kwargs: kwargs['_task_results'] = kwargs.pop('task_results') super(Instance, self).__init__(**kwargs) try: del self._id_thread_local except AttributeError: pass if self._task_results is not None and len(self._task_results) > 0: self._is_sync = True self._status = Instance.Status.TERMINATED else: self._is_sync = False self._status_api_lock = threading.RLock() self._logview_address = None self._logview_address_time = None self._logview_logged = False @property def id(self): return self.name
[文档] class Status(Enum): RUNNING = 'Running' SUSPENDED = 'Suspended' TERMINATED = 'Terminated'
class InstanceStatus(XMLRemoteModel): _root = 'Instance' status = serializers.XMLNodeField('Status') class InstanceResult(XMLRemoteModel): class TaskResult(XMLRemoteModel): class Result(XMLRemoteModel): transform = serializers.XMLNodeAttributeField(attr='Transform') format = serializers.XMLNodeAttributeField(attr='Format') text = serializers.XMLNodeField('.', default='') def __str__(self): if six.PY2: text = utils.to_binary(self.text) else: text = self.text if self.transform is not None and self.transform == 'Base64': try: return utils.to_str(base64.b64decode(text)) except TypeError: return text return text def __bytes__(self): text = utils.to_binary(self.text) if self.transform is not None and self.transform == 'Base64': try: return utils.to_binary(base64.b64decode(text)) except TypeError: return text return text type = serializers.XMLNodeAttributeField(attr='Type') name = serializers.XMLNodeField('Name') result = serializers.XMLNodeReferenceField(Result, 'Result') task_results = serializers.XMLNodesReferencesField(TaskResult, 'Tasks', 'Task')
[文档] class Task(XMLRemoteModel): """ Task stands for each task inside an instance. It has a name, a task type, the start to end time, and a running status. """ name = serializers.XMLNodeField('Name') type = serializers.XMLNodeAttributeField(attr='Type') start_time = serializers.XMLNodeField('StartTime', parse_callback=utils.parse_rfc822) end_time = serializers.XMLNodeField('EndTime', parse_callback=utils.parse_rfc822) status = serializers.XMLNodeField( 'Status', parse_callback=lambda s: Instance.Task.TaskStatus(s.upper())) histories = serializers.XMLNodesReferencesField('Instance.Task', 'Histories', 'History')
[文档] class TaskProgress(XMLRemoteModel): """ TaskProgress reprents for the progress of a task. A single TaskProgress may consist of several stages. :Example: >>> progress = instance.get_task_progress('task_name') >>> progress.get_stage_progress_formatted_string() 2015-11-19 16:39:07 M1_Stg1_job0:0/0/1[0%] R2_1_Stg1_job0:0/0/1[0%] """ class StageProgress(XMLRemoteModel): name = serializers.XMLNodeAttributeField(attr='ID') backup_workers = serializers.XMLNodeField('BackupWorkers', parse_callback=int) terminated_workers = serializers.XMLNodeField('TerminatedWorkers', parse_callback=int) running_workers = serializers.XMLNodeField('RunningWorkers', parse_callback=int) total_workers = serializers.XMLNodeField('TotalWorkers', parse_callback=int) input_records = serializers.XMLNodeField('InputRecords', parse_callback=int) output_records = serializers.XMLNodeField('OutputRecords', parse_callback=int) finished_percentage = serializers.XMLNodeField('FinishedPercentage', parse_callback=int) stages = serializers.XMLNodesReferencesField(StageProgress, 'Stage') def get_stage_progress_formatted_string(self): buf = six.StringIO() buf.write(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) buf.write(' ') for stage in self.stages: buf.write('{0}:{1}/{2}/{3}{4}[{5}%]\t'.format( stage.name, stage.running_workers, stage.terminated_workers, stage.total_workers, '(+%s backups)' % stage.backup_workers if stage.backup_workers > 0 else '', stage.finished_percentage )) return buf.getvalue()
class TaskInfo(serializers.XMLSerializableModel): _root = 'Instance' __slots__ = 'key', 'value' key = serializers.XMLNodeField('Key') value = serializers.XMLNodeField('Value') class TaskCost(object): __slots__ = 'cpu_cost', 'memory_cost', 'input_size' def __init__(self, cpu_cost=None, memory_cost=None, input_size=None): self.cpu_cost = cpu_cost self.memory_cost = memory_cost self.input_size = input_size class SQLCost(object): __slots__ = 'udf_num', 'complexity', 'input_size' def __init__(self, udf_num=None, complexity=None, input_size=None): self.udf_num = udf_num self.complexity = complexity self.input_size = input_size
[文档] class DownloadSessionCreationError(errors.InternalServerError): pass
name = serializers.XMLNodeField('Name') owner = serializers.XMLNodeField('Owner') start_time = serializers.XMLNodeField('StartTime', parse_callback=utils.parse_rfc822) end_time = serializers.XMLNodeField('EndTime', parse_callback=utils.parse_rfc822) _status = serializers.XMLNodeField('Status', parse_callback=lambda s: Instance.Status(s)) _tasks = serializers.XMLNodesReferencesField(Task, 'Tasks', 'Task')
[文档] class TaskSummary(dict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Instance.TaskSummary, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.summary_text, self.json_summary = None, None
class AnonymousSubmitInstance(XMLRemoteModel): _root = 'Instance' job = serializers.XMLNodeReferenceField(Job, 'Job') class InstanceQueueingInfo(JSONRemoteModel): __slots__ = '_instance', class Status(Enum): RUNNING = 'Running' SUSPENDED = 'Suspended' TERMINATED = 'Terminated' UNKNOWN = 'Unknown' _properties = serializers.JSONRawField() # hold the raw dict instance_id = serializers.JSONNodeField('instanceId') priority = serializers.JSONNodeField('instancePriority') progress = serializers.JSONNodeField('instanceProcess') job_name = serializers.JSONNodeField('jobName') project = serializers.JSONNodeField('projectName') skynet_id = serializers.JSONNodeField('skynetId') start_time = serializers.JSONNodeField('startTime', parse_callback=utils.strptime_with_tz) task_type = serializers.JSONNodeField('taskType') task_name = serializers.JSONNodeField('taskName') user_account = serializers.JSONNodeField('userAccount') status = serializers.JSONNodeField('status', parse_callback=Status) @property def instance(self): if hasattr(self, '_instance') and self._instance: return self._instance from .projects import Projects self._instance = Projects(client=self._client)[self.project].instances[self.instance_id] return self._instance def __getattr__(self, item): item = utils.underline_to_camel(item) if item in self._properties: return self._properties[item] return super(Instance.InstanceQueueingInfo, self).__getattr__(item) def reload(self): resp = self._client.get(self.resource()) self.owner = resp.headers.get('x-odps-owner') self.start_time = utils.parse_rfc822(resp.headers.get('x-odps-start-time')) end_time_header = 'x-odps-end-time' if end_time_header in resp.headers and \ len(resp.headers[end_time_header].strip()) > 0: self.end_time = utils.parse_rfc822(resp.headers.get(end_time_header)) self.parse(self._client, resp, obj=self) # remember not to set `_loaded = True`
[文档] def stop(self): """ Stop this instance. :return: None """ instance_status = Instance.InstanceStatus(status='Terminated') xml_content = instance_status.serialize() headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'} self._client.put(self.resource(), xml_content, headers=headers)
@_with_status_api_lock def get_task_results_without_format(self, timeout=None): if self._is_sync: return self._task_results resp = self._client.get(self.resource(), action="result", timeout=timeout) instance_result = Instance.InstanceResult.parse(self._client, resp) return OrderedDict([(r.name, r.result) for r in instance_result.task_results])
[文档] @_with_status_api_lock def get_task_results(self, timeout=None): """ Get all the task results. :return: a dict which key is task name, and value is the task result as string :rtype: dict """ results = self.get_task_results_without_format(timeout=timeout) if options.tunnel.string_as_binary: return OrderedDict([(k, bytes(result)) for k, result in six.iteritems(results)]) else: return OrderedDict([(k, str(result)) for k, result in six.iteritems(results)])
[文档] @_with_status_api_lock def get_task_result(self, task_name, timeout=None): """ Get a single task result. :param task_name: task name :return: task result :rtype: str """ return self.get_task_results(timeout=timeout).get(task_name)
[文档] @_with_status_api_lock def get_task_summary(self, task_name): """ Get a task's summary, mostly used for MapReduce. :param task_name: task name :return: summary as a dict parsed from JSON :rtype: dict """ params = {'taskname': task_name} resp = self._client.get( self.resource(), action='instancesummary', params=params ) map_reduce = resp.json().get('Instance') if map_reduce: json_summary = map_reduce.get('JsonSummary') if json_summary: summary = Instance.TaskSummary(json.loads(json_summary)) summary.summary_text = map_reduce.get('Summary') summary.json_summary = json_summary return summary
[文档] @_with_status_api_lock def get_task_statuses(self): """ Get all tasks' statuses :return: a dict which key is the task name and value is the :class:`odps.models.Instance.Task` object :rtype: dict """ resp = self._client.get(self.resource(), action="taskstatus") self.parse(self._client, resp, obj=self) return dict([(task.name, task) for task in self._tasks])
[文档] @_with_status_api_lock def get_task_names(self): """ Get names of all tasks :return: task names :rtype: list """ return compat.lkeys(self.get_task_statuses())
[文档] def get_task_cost(self, task_name): """ Get task cost :param task_name: name of the task :return: task cost :rtype: Instance.TaskCost :Example: >>> cost = instance.get_task_cost(instance.get_task_names()[0]) >>> cost.cpu_cost 200 >>> cost.memory_cost 4096 >>> cost.input_size 0 """ summary = self.get_task_summary(task_name) if summary is None: return None if 'Cost' in summary: task_cost = summary['Cost'] cpu_cost = task_cost.get('CPU') memory = task_cost.get('Memory') input_size = task_cost.get('Input') return Instance.TaskCost(cpu_cost, memory, input_size)
[文档] def get_task_info(self, task_name, key): """ Get task related information. :param task_name: name of the task :param key: key of the information item :return: a string of the task information """ actions = ["info"] params = OrderedDict([('taskname', task_name), ('key', key)]) resp = self._client.get(self.resource(), actions=actions, params=params) return resp.content.decode()
[文档] def put_task_info(self, task_name, key, value, check_location=False): """ Put information into a task. :param task_name: name of the task :param key: key of the information item :param value: value of the information item """ actions = ["info"] params = {'taskname': task_name} headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'} body = self.TaskInfo(key=key, value=value).serialize() resp = self._client.put(self.resource(), actions=actions, params=params, headers=headers, data=body) location = resp.headers.get('Location') if check_location and (location is None or len(location) == 0): raise errors.ODPSError('Invalid response, Location header required.') return resp.content.decode()
[文档] def get_task_quota(self, task_name): """ Get queueing info of the task. Note that time between two calls should larger than 30 seconds, otherwise empty dict is returned. :param task_name: name of the task :return: quota info in dict format """ actions = ['instancequota'] params = {'taskname': task_name} resp = self._client.get(self.resource(), actions=actions, params=params) return json.loads(resp.text)
[文档] def get_sql_task_cost(self): """ Get cost information of the sql cost task, including input data size, number of UDF, Complexity of the sql task. NOTE that DO NOT use this function directly as it cannot be applied to instances returned from SQL. Use ``o.execute_sql_cost`` instead. :return: cost info in dict format """ resp = self.get_task_result(self.get_task_names()[0]) cost = json.loads(resp) sql_cost = cost['Cost']['SQL'] udf_num = sql_cost.get('UDF') complexity = sql_cost.get('Complexity') input_size = sql_cost.get('Input') return Instance.SQLCost(udf_num, complexity, input_size)
@property @_with_status_api_lock def status(self): if self._status != Instance.Status.TERMINATED: self.reload() return self._status
[文档] def is_terminated(self, retry=False): """ If this instance has finished or not. :return: True if finished else False :rtype: bool """ return utils.call_with_retry( lambda: self.status == Instance.Status.TERMINATED, retry_times=options.retry_times if retry else 0, exc_type=(errors.InternalServerError, errors.RequestTimeTooSkewed), )
[文档] def is_running(self, retry=False): """ If this instance is still running. :return: True if still running else False :rtype: bool """ return utils.call_with_retry( lambda: self.status == Instance.Status.RUNNING, retry_times=options.retry_times if retry else 0, exc_type=(errors.InternalServerError, errors.RequestTimeTooSkewed), )
[文档] def is_successful(self, retry=False): """ If the instance runs successfully. :return: True if successful else False :rtype: bool """ if not self.is_terminated(retry=retry): return False def _get_successful(): statuses = self.get_task_statuses() return all( task.status == Instance.Task.TaskStatus.SUCCESS for task in statuses.values() ) return utils.call_with_retry( _get_successful, retry_times=options.retry_times if retry else 0, exc_type=(errors.InternalServerError, errors.RequestTimeTooSkewed), )
@property def is_sync(self): return self._is_sync def get_all_task_progresses(self): return { task_name: self.get_task_progress(task_name) for task_name in self.get_task_names() }
[文档] def wait_for_completion(self, interval=1, timeout=None, max_interval=None): """ Wait for the instance to complete, and neglect the consequence. :param interval: time interval to check :param max_interval: if specified, next check interval will be multiplied by 2 till max_interval is reached. :param timeout: time :return: None """ start_time = monotonic() progress_time = monotonic() last_progress = 0 while not self.is_terminated(retry=True): try: time.sleep(interval) check_time = monotonic() if max_interval is not None: interval = min(interval * 2, max_interval) if timeout is not None and check_time - start_time > timeout: raise errors.WaitTimeoutError( "Wait completion of instance %s timed out" % self.id, instance_id=self.id ) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.INFO: try: task_progresses = self.get_all_task_progresses() total_progress = sum( stage.finished_percentage for progress in task_progresses.values() for stage in progress.stages ) if check_time - start_time >= options.progress_time_interval and ( total_progress - last_progress >= options.progress_percentage_gap or check_time - progress_time >= options.progress_time_interval ): if not self._logview_logged: self._logview_logged = True logger.info( "Instance ID: %s\n Log view: %s", self.id, self.get_logview_address() ) output_parts = [str(self.id)] + [ progress.get_stage_progress_formatted_string() for progress in task_progresses.values() ] if len(output_parts) > 1: logger.info(" ".join(output_parts)) last_progress = total_progress progress_time = check_time except: # pragma: no cover # make sure progress display does not affect execution pass except KeyboardInterrupt: break
[文档] def wait_for_success(self, interval=1, timeout=None, max_interval=None): """ Wait for instance to complete, and check if the instance is successful. :param interval: time interval to check :param max_interval: if specified, next check interval will be multiplied by 2 till max_interval is reached. :param timeout: time :return: None :raise: :class:`odps.errors.ODPSError` if the instance failed """ self.wait_for_completion(interval=interval, max_interval=max_interval, timeout=timeout) if not self.is_successful(retry=True): for task_name, task in six.iteritems(self.get_task_statuses()): exc = None if task.status == Instance.Task.TaskStatus.FAILED: exc = errors.parse_instance_error(self.get_task_result(task_name)) elif task.status != Instance.Task.TaskStatus.SUCCESS: exc = errors.ODPSError('%s, status=%s' % (task_name, task.status.value)) if exc: exc.instance_id = self.id raise exc
[文档] @_with_status_api_lock def get_task_progress(self, task_name): """ Get task's current progress :param task_name: task_name :return: the task's progress :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Instance.Task.TaskProgress` """ params = {'instanceprogress': task_name, 'taskname': task_name} resp = self._client.get(self.resource(), params=params) return Instance.Task.TaskProgress.parse(self._client, resp)
[文档] @_with_status_api_lock def get_task_detail(self, task_name): """ Get task's detail :param task_name: task name :return: the task's detail :rtype: list or dict according to the JSON """ def _get_detail(): from ..compat import json # fix object_pairs_hook parameter for Py2.6 params = {'taskname': task_name} resp = self._client.get( self.resource(), action='instancedetail', params=params ) return json.loads( resp.content.decode() if six.PY3 else resp.content, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict ) result = _get_detail() if not result: # todo: this is a workaround for the bug that get_task_detail returns nothing. return self.get_task_detail2(task_name) else: return result
[文档] @_with_status_api_lock def get_task_detail2(self, task_name): """ Get task's detail v2 :param task_name: task name :return: the task's detail :rtype: list or dict according to the JSON """ params = {'taskname': task_name} resp = self._client.get(self.resource(), action='detail', params=params) res = resp.content.decode() if six.PY3 else resp.content try: return json.loads(res, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except ValueError: return res
[文档] @_with_status_api_lock def get_task_workers(self, task_name=None, json_obj=None): """ Get workers from task :param task_name: task name :param json_obj: json object parsed from get_task_detail2 :return: list of workers .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Worker` """ if task_name is None and json_obj is None: raise ValueError('Either task_name or json_obj should be provided') if json_obj is None: json_obj = self.get_task_detail2(task_name) return WorkerDetail2.extract_from_json(json_obj, client=self._client, parent=self)
[文档] @_with_status_api_lock def get_worker_log(self, log_id, log_type, size=0): """ Get logs from worker. :param log_id: id of log, can be retrieved from details. :param log_type: type of logs. Possible log types contains {log_types} :param size: length of the log to retrieve :return: log content """ params = OrderedDict([('log', ''), ('id', log_id)]) if log_type is not None: log_type = log_type.lower() if log_type not in LOG_TYPES_MAPPING: raise ValueError('log_type should choose a value in ' + ' '.join(six.iterkeys(LOG_TYPES_MAPPING))) params['logtype'] = LOG_TYPES_MAPPING[log_type] if size > 0: params['size'] = str(size) resp = self._client.get(self.resource(), params=params) return resp.text
get_worker_log.__doc__ = get_worker_log.__doc__.format(log_types=', '.join(sorted(six.iterkeys(LOG_TYPES_MAPPING))))
[文档] @_with_status_api_lock def get_logview_address(self, hours=None): """ Get logview address of the instance object by hours. :param hours: :return: logview address :rtype: str """ if ( self._logview_address is not None and monotonic() - self._logview_address_time < 600 ): return self._logview_address project = self.project if isinstance(project.odps.account, BearerTokenAccount): token = to_str(project.odps.account.token) else: hours = hours or options.logview_hours policy = { 'Statement': [{ 'Action': ['odps:Read'], 'Effect': 'Allow', 'Resource': 'acs:odps:*:projects/%s/instances/%s' % (project.name, self.id) }], 'Version': '1', } token = self.project.generate_auth_token(policy, "bearer", hours) link = ( self.project.odps.logview_host + "/logview/?h=" + self._client.endpoint + "&p=" + project.name + "&i=" + self.id + "&token=" + token ) self._logview_address = link self._logview_address_time = monotonic() return link
def __str__(self): return self.id def _get_job(self): url = self.resource() resp = self._client.get(url, action='source') job = Job.parse(self._client, resp, parent=self) return job def get_tasks(self): return self.tasks @property def tasks(self): job = self._get_job() return job.tasks @property def priority(self): job = self._get_job() return job.priority def _get_queueing_info(self): url = self.resource() resp = self._client.get(url, action='cached') return Instance.InstanceQueueingInfo.parse( self._client, resp, parent=self.project.instance_queueing_infos), resp def get_queueing_info(self): info, _ = self._get_queueing_info() return info def _create_instance_tunnel(self, endpoint=None): if self._instance_tunnel is not None: return self._instance_tunnel from ..tunnel import InstanceTunnel self._instance_tunnel = InstanceTunnel( client=self._client, project=self.project, endpoint=endpoint or self.project._tunnel_endpoint ) return self._instance_tunnel @utils.survey def _open_result_reader(self, schema=None, task_name=None, timeout=None, **_): if not self.is_successful(retry=True): raise errors.ODPSError( 'Cannot open reader, instance(%s) may fail or has not finished yet' % self.id) sql_tasks = dict([(name, task) for name, task in six.iteritems(self.get_task_statuses()) if task.type.lower() == 'sql']) if len(sql_tasks) > 1: if task_name is None: raise errors.ODPSError( 'Cannot open reader, job has more than one sql tasks, please specify one') elif task_name not in sql_tasks: raise errors.ODPSError( 'Cannot open reader, unknown task name: %s' % task_name) elif len(sql_tasks) == 1: task_name = list(sql_tasks)[0] else: raise errors.ODPSError('Cannot open reader, job has no sql task') result = self.get_task_result(task_name, timeout=timeout) reader = readers.CsvRecordReader(schema, result) if options.result_reader_create_callback: options.result_reader_create_callback(reader) return reader def _open_tunnel_reader(self, **kw): from ..tunnel.instancetunnel import InstanceDownloadSession reopen = kw.pop('reopen', False) endpoint = kw.pop('endpoint', None) arrow = kw.pop("arrow", False) tunnel = self._create_instance_tunnel(endpoint=endpoint) download_id = self._download_id if not reopen else None try: download_session = tunnel.create_download_session( instance=self, download_id=download_id, **kw ) if download_id and download_session.status != InstanceDownloadSession.Status.Normal: download_session = tunnel.create_download_session(instance=self, **kw) except errors.InternalServerError: e, tb = sys.exc_info()[1:] e.__class__ = Instance.DownloadSessionCreationError six.reraise(Instance.DownloadSessionCreationError, e, tb) self._download_id = download_session.id if arrow: return InstanceArrowReader(self, download_session) else: return InstanceRecordReader(self, download_session)
[文档] def open_reader(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Open the reader to read records from the result of the instance. If `tunnel` is `True`, instance tunnel will be used. Otherwise conventional routine will be used. If instance tunnel is not available and `tunnel` is not specified, the method will fall back to the conventional routine. Note that the number of records returned is limited unless `options.limited_instance_tunnel` is set to `True` or `limit=True` is configured under instance tunnel mode. Otherwise the number of records returned is always limited. :param tunnel: if true, use instance tunnel to read from the instance. if false, use conventional routine. if absent, `options.tunnel.use_instance_tunnel` will be used and automatic fallback is enabled. :param bool limit: if True, enable the limitation :param bool reopen: the reader will reuse last one, reopen is true means open a new reader. :param endpoint: the tunnel service URL :param compress_option: compression algorithm, level and strategy :type compress_option: :class:`odps.tunnel.CompressOption` :param compress_algo: compression algorithm, work when ``compress_option`` is not provided, can be ``zlib``, ``snappy`` :param compress_level: used for ``zlib``, work when ``compress_option`` is not provided :param compress_strategy: used for ``zlib``, work when ``compress_option`` is not provided :return: reader, ``count`` means the full size, ``status`` means the tunnel status :Example: >>> with instance.open_reader() as reader: >>> count = reader.count # How many records of a table or its partition >>> for record in reader[0: count]: >>> # read all data, actually better to split into reading for many times """ use_tunnel = kwargs.get('use_tunnel', kwargs.get('tunnel')) auto_fallback_result = use_tunnel is None timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", None) if use_tunnel is None: use_tunnel = options.tunnel.use_instance_tunnel if use_tunnel: timeout = timeout if timeout is not None else options.tunnel.legacy_fallback_timeout kwargs["timeout"] = timeout result_fallback_errors = (errors.InvalidProjectTable, errors.InvalidArgument) if use_tunnel: # for compatibility if 'limit_enabled' in kwargs: kwargs['limit'] = kwargs['limit_enabled'] del kwargs['limit_enabled'] if 'limit' not in kwargs: kwargs['limit'] = options.tunnel.limit_instance_tunnel auto_fallback_protection = False if kwargs['limit'] is None: kwargs['limit'] = False auto_fallback_protection = True try: return self._open_tunnel_reader(**kwargs) except result_fallback_errors: # service version too low to support instance tunnel. if not auto_fallback_result: raise if not kwargs.get('limit'): warnings.warn('Instance tunnel not supported, will fallback to ' 'conventional ways. 10000 records will be limited. ' + _RESULT_LIMIT_HELPER_MSG) except requests.Timeout: # tunnel creation timed out, which might be caused by too many files # on the service. if not auto_fallback_result: raise if not kwargs.get('limit'): warnings.warn( 'Instance tunnel timed out, will fallback to conventional ways. ' '10000 records will be limited. You may try merging small files ' 'on your source table. ' + _RESULT_LIMIT_HELPER_MSG) except (Instance.DownloadSessionCreationError, errors.InstanceTypeNotSupported): # this is for DDL sql instances such as `show partitions` which raises # InternalServerError when creating download sessions. if not auto_fallback_result: raise except errors.NoPermission: # project is protected if not auto_fallback_protection: raise if not kwargs.get('limit'): warnings.warn('Project under protection, 10000 records will be limited.' + _RESULT_LIMIT_HELPER_MSG) kwargs['limit'] = True return self.open_reader(*args, **kwargs) return self._open_result_reader(*args, **kwargs)