odps.models.function 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 1999-2022 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from .core import LazyLoad
from .resource import Resource
from .. import serializers, utils

[文档] class Function(LazyLoad): """ Function can be used in UDF when user writes a SQL. """ __slots__ = '_resources_objects', '_owner_changed' _root = 'Function' name = serializers.XMLNodeField('Alias') _owner = serializers.XMLNodeField('Owner') creation_time = serializers.XMLNodeField('CreationTime', parse_callback=utils.parse_rfc822) class_type = serializers.XMLNodeField('ClassType') _resources = serializers.XMLNodesField('Resources', 'ResourceName') is_sql_function = serializers.XMLNodeField('IsSqlFunction') is_embedded_function = serializers.XMLNodeField('IsEmbeddedFunction') program_language = serializers.XMLNodeField('ProgramLanguage') code = serializers.XMLNodeField('Code') file_name = serializers.XMLNodeField('FileName') def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._resources_objects = None self._owner_changed = False resources = kwargs.pop('resources', None) if 'owner' in kwargs: kwargs['_owner'] = kwargs.pop('owner') super(Function, self).__init__(**kwargs) if resources is not None: self.resources = resources def reload(self): resp = self._client.get( self.resource(), curr_schema=self._get_schema_name() ) self.parse(self._client, resp, obj=self) @property def resources(self): """ Return all the resources which this function refer to. :return: resources :rtype: list .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Resource` """ if self._resources_objects is not None: return self._resources_objects resources = self.parent.parent.resources resources = [resources[name] for name in self._resources or ()] self._resources_objects = resources return resources @resources.setter def resources(self, value): def get_resource_name(res): if isinstance(res, Resource): schema_name = res._get_schema_name() if res.project.name == self.project.name and schema_name is None: return res.name elif schema_name is not None: return '%s/schemas/%s/resources/%s' % (res.project.name, schema_name, res.name) else: return '%s/resources/%s' % (res.project.name, res.name) else: return res self._resources_objects = None self._resources = [get_resource_name(res) for res in value] @property def owner(self): return self._owner @owner.setter def owner(self, value): self._owner_changed = True self._owner = value
[文档] def update(self): """ Update this function. :return: None """ if self._owner_changed: self.update_owner(self.owner) self._resources = [res.name for res in self.resources] return self.parent.update(self)
def update_owner(self, new_owner): params = {} schema_name = self._get_schema_name() if schema_name: params['curr_schema'] = schema_name headers = { 'x-odps-owner': new_owner } self._client.put( self.resource(), None, action="updateowner", params=params, headers=headers )
[文档] def drop(self): """ Delete this Function. :return: None """ return self.parent.delete(self)