
在本例子中,我们拿 movielens 100K 来做例子。现在我们已经有三张表了,分别是pyodps_ml_100k_movies(电影相关的数据),pyodps_ml_100k_users(用户相关的数据),pyodps_ml_100k_ratings(评分有关的数据)。

如果你的运行环境没有提供 ODPS 对象,你需要自己创建该对象:

>>> import os
>>> from odps import ODPS
>>> # 保证 ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID 环境变量设置为用户 Access Key ID,
>>> # ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET 环境变量设置为用户 Access Key Secret
>>> # 不建议直接使用 Access Key ID / Access Key Secret 字符串
>>> o = ODPS(
...     os.getenv('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
...     project='**your-project**',
...     endpoint='**your-endpoint**',
... )


>>> from odps.df import DataFrame
>>> users = DataFrame(o.get_table('pyodps_ml_100k_users'))


>>> users.dtypes
odps.Schema {
  user_id             int64
  age                 int64
  sex                 string
  occupation          string
  zip_code            string


>>> users.head(10)
   user_id  age  sex     occupation  zip_code
0        1   24    M     technician     85711
1        2   53    F          other     94043
2        3   23    M         writer     32067
3        4   24    M     technician     43537
4        5   33    F          other     15213
5        6   42    M      executive     98101
6        7   57    M  administrator     91344
7        8   36    M  administrator     05201
8        9   29    M        student     01002
9       10   53    M         lawyer     90703


>>> users[['user_id', 'age']].head(5)
   user_id  age
0        1   24
1        2   53
2        3   23
3        4   24
4        5   33


>>> users.exclude('zip_code', 'age').head(5)
   user_id  sex  occupation
0        1    M  technician
1        2    F       other
2        3    M      writer
3        4    M  technician
4        5    F       other


>>> users.select(users.exclude('zip_code', 'sex'), sex_bool=users.sex == 'M').head(5)
   user_id  age  occupation  sex_bool
0        1   24  technician      True
1        2   53       other     False
2        3   23      writer      True
3        4   24  technician      True
4        5   33       other     False


>>> users[users.age.between(20, 25)].count()


>>> users.groupby(users.sex).agg(count=users.count())
   sex  count
0    F    273
1    M    670


>>> df = users.groupby('occupation').agg(count=users['occupation'].count())
>>> df.sort(df['count'], ascending=False)[:10]
      occupation  count
0        student    196
1          other    105
2       educator     95
3  administrator     79
4       engineer     67
5     programmer     66
6      librarian     51
7         writer     45
8      executive     32
9      scientist     31

DataFrame API提供了value_counts这个方法来快速达到同样的目的。注意该方法返回的行数受到 options.df.odps.sort.limit 的限制,详见 配置选项

>>> uses.occupation.value_counts()[:10]
      occupation  count
0        student    196
1          other    105
2       educator     95
3  administrator     79
4       engineer     67
5     programmer     66
6      librarian     51
7         writer     45
8      executive     32
9      scientist     31


>>> %matplotlib inline


>>> users['occupation'].value_counts().plot(kind='barh', x='occupation', ylabel='prefession')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10653cfd0>


>>> users.age.hist(bins=30, title="Distribution of users' ages", xlabel='age', ylabel='count of users')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10667a510>


>>> movies = DataFrame(o.get_table('pyodps_ml_100k_movies'))
>>> ratings = DataFrame(o.get_table('pyodps_ml_100k_ratings'))
>>> o.delete_table('pyodps_ml_100k_lens', if_exists=True)
>>> lens = movies.join(ratings).join(users).persist('pyodps_ml_100k_lens')
>>> lens.dtypes
odps.Schema {
  movie_id                            int64
  title                               string
  release_date                        string
  video_release_date                  string
  imdb_url                            string
  user_id                             int64
  rating                              int64
  unix_timestamp                      int64
  age                                 int64
  sex                                 string
  occupation                          string
  zip_code                            string


>>> labels = ['0-9', '10-19', '20-29', '30-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60-69', '70-79']
>>> cut_lens = lens[lens, lens.age.cut(range(0, 81, 10), right=False, labels=labels).rename('年龄分组')]


>>> cut_lens['年龄分组', 'age'].distinct()[:10]
   年龄分组  age
0       0-9    7
1     10-19   10
2     10-19   11
3     10-19   13
4     10-19   14
5     10-19   15
6     10-19   16
7     10-19   17
8     10-19   18
9     10-19   19


>>> cut_lens.groupby('年龄分组').agg(cut_lens.rating.count().rename('评分总数'), cut_lens.rating.mean().rename('评分均值'))
     年龄分组  评分均值  评分总数
0       0-9  3.767442        43
1     10-19  3.486126      8181
2     20-29  3.467333     39535
3     30-39  3.554444     25696
4     40-49  3.591772     15021
5     50-59  3.635800      8704
6     60-69  3.648875      2623
7     70-79  3.649746       197