Source code for odps.core

# Copyright 1999-2022 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import functools
import json  # noqa: F401
import os
import random
import re
import time
import warnings
import weakref

from . import models, accounts, errors, utils
from .compat import six, Iterable, urlparse
from .config import options
from .errors import NoSuchObject, ODPSError
from .rest import RestClient
from .tempobj import clean_stored_objects


_ALTER_TABLE_REGEX = re.compile(
    r'^\s*(drop|alter)\s+table\s*(|if\s+exists)\s+(?P<table_name>[^\s;]+)', re.I
    r'service\.([^\.]+)\.(odps|maxcompute)\.aliyun(|-inc)\.com', re.I

_logview_host_cache = dict()

[docs] @utils.attach_internal class ODPS(object): """ Main entrance to ODPS. Convenient operations on ODPS objects are provided. Please refer to `ODPS docs <>`_ for more details. Generally, basic operations such as ``list``, ``get``, ``exist``, ``create``, ``delete`` are provided for each ODPS object. Take the ``Table`` as an example. To create an ODPS instance, access_id and access_key is required, and should ensure correctness, or ``SignatureNotMatch`` error will throw. If `tunnel_endpoint` is not set, the tunnel API will route service URL automatically. :param access_id: Aliyun Access ID :param secret_access_key: Aliyun Access Key :param project: default project name :param endpoint: Rest service URL :param tunnel_endpoint: Tunnel service URL :param logview_host: Logview host URL :param app_account: Application account, instance of `odps.accounts.AppAccount` used for dual authentication :Example: >>> odps = ODPS('**your access id**', '**your access key**', 'default_project') >>> >>> for table in odps.list_tables(): >>> # handle each table >>> >>> table = odps.get_table('dual') >>> >>> odps.exist_table('dual') is True >>> >>> odps.create_table('test_table', schema) >>> >>> odps.delete_table('test_table') """ def __init__( self, access_id=None, secret_access_key=None, project=None, endpoint=None, schema=None, app_account=None, logview_host=None, tunnel_endpoint=None, region_name=None, **kw ): # avoid polluted copy sources :( access_id = utils.strip_if_str(access_id) secret_access_key = utils.strip_if_str(secret_access_key) project = utils.strip_if_str(project) endpoint = utils.strip_if_str(endpoint) schema = utils.strip_if_str(schema) logview_host = utils.strip_if_str(logview_host) tunnel_endpoint = utils.strip_if_str(tunnel_endpoint) region_name = utils.strip_if_str(region_name) if isinstance(access_id, accounts.BaseAccount): assert secret_access_key is None, "Cannot supply secret_access_key with an account" kw["account"], access_id = access_id, None self._init( access_id=access_id, secret_access_key=secret_access_key, project=project, endpoint=endpoint, schema=schema, app_account=app_account, logview_host=logview_host, tunnel_endpoint=tunnel_endpoint, region_name=region_name, **kw ) clean_stored_objects(self) def _init( self, access_id=None, secret_access_key=None, project=None, endpoint=None, schema=None, region_name=None, **kw ): self._property_update_callbacks = set() account = kw.pop('account', None) self.app_account = kw.pop('app_account', None) if account is None: if access_id is not None: self.account = self._build_account(access_id, secret_access_key) elif accounts.BearerTokenAccount.from_environments(): self.account = accounts.BearerTokenAccount.from_environments() elif options.account is not None: self.account = options.account else: raise TypeError('`access_id` and `secret_access_key` should be provided.') else: self.account = account self.endpoint = endpoint or options.endpoint or DEFAULT_ENDPOINT self.project = project or options.default_project self.region_name = region_name or self._get_region_from_endpoint(self.endpoint) self._schema = schema = RestClient( self.account, self.endpoint, project, schema, app_account=self.app_account, proxy=options.api_proxy, region_name=self.region_name, tag="ODPS", ) self._tunnel_endpoint = kw.pop('tunnel_endpoint', None) or options.tunnel.endpoint self._logview_host = ( kw.pop("logview_host", None) or options.logview_host or self.get_logview_host() ) self._default_tenant = models.Tenant( self._projects = models.Projects(, _odps_ref=weakref.ref(self)) if project: self._project = self.get_project() self._seahawks_url = kw.pop("seahawks_url", None) if self._seahawks_url: options.seahawks_url = self._seahawks_url self._default_session = None self._default_session_name = "" # Make instance to global overwrite_global = kw.pop("overwrite_global", True) if overwrite_global and options.is_global_account_overwritable: self.to_global(overwritable=True) if kw: raise TypeError( "Argument %s not acceptable, please check your spellings" % ", ".join(kw.keys()), ) @staticmethod def _get_region_from_endpoint(endpoint): parsed = urlparse(endpoint) match = or "") if match is None: return DEFAULT_REGION_NAME return def __getstate__(self): params = dict( project=self.project, endpoint=self.endpoint, tunnel_endpoint=self._tunnel_endpoint, logview_host=self._logview_host, schema=self.schema, seahawks_url=self._seahawks_url ) if isinstance(self.account, accounts.AliyunAccount): params.update(dict(access_id=self.account.access_id, secret_access_key=self.account.secret_access_key)) return params def __setstate__(self, state): if 'secret_access_key' in state: if os.environ.get('ODPS_ENDPOINT', None) is not None: state['endpoint'] = os.environ['ODPS_ENDPOINT'] self._init(**state) return bearer_token_account = accounts.BearerTokenAccount.from_environments() if bearer_token_account is not None: state['project'] = os.environ.get('ODPS_PROJECT_NAME') state['endpoint'] = os.environ.get('ODPS_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT') or os.environ['ODPS_ENDPOINT'] state.pop('access_id', None) state.pop('secret_access_key', None) self._init(None, None, account=bearer_token_account, **state) else: self._init(**state)
[docs] def as_account(self, access_id=None, secret_access_key=None, account=None, app_account=None): """ Creates a new ODPS entry object with a new account information :param access_id: Aliyun Access ID of the new account :param secret_access_key: Aliyun Access Key of the new account :param account: new account object, if `access_id` and `secret_access_key` not supplied :param app_account: Application account, instance of `odps.accounts.AppAccount` used for dual authentication :return: """ if access_id is not None and secret_access_key is not None: assert account is None account = accounts.AliyunAccount(access_id, secret_access_key) params = dict( project=self.project, endpoint=self.endpoint, tunnel_endpoint=self._tunnel_endpoint, logview_host=self._logview_host, schema=self.schema, seahawks_url=self._seahawks_url, account=account or self.account, app_account=app_account or self.app_account, overwrite_global=False, ) return ODPS(**params)
def __mars_tokenize__(self): return self.__getstate__() @classmethod def _from_account(cls, account, project, endpoint=DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, tunnel_endpoint=None, **kwargs): return cls(None, None, project, endpoint=endpoint, tunnel_endpoint=tunnel_endpoint, account=account, **kwargs) @property def default_tenant(self): return self._default_tenant def is_schema_namespace_enabled(self, settings=None): settings = settings or {} setting = str( settings.get("odps.namespace.schema") or (options.sql.settings or {}).get("odps.namespace.schema") or ("true" if options.always_enable_schema else None) or self.default_tenant.get_parameter("odps.namespace.schema") or "false" ) return setting.lower() == "true" @property def projects(self): return self._projects @property def schema(self): """ Get or set default schema name of the ODPS object """ default_schema = "default" if self.is_schema_namespace_enabled() else None return self._schema or default_schema @schema.setter def schema(self, value): self._schema = value for cb in self._property_update_callbacks: cb(self) @property def tunnel_endpoint(self): """ Get or set tunnel endpoint of the ODPS object """ return self._tunnel_endpoint @tunnel_endpoint.setter def tunnel_endpoint(self, value): self._tunnel_endpoint = value for cb in self._property_update_callbacks: cb(self)
[docs] def list_projects( self, owner=None, user=None, group=None, prefix=None, max_items=None, region_id=None, tenant_id=None ): """ List projects. :param owner: Aliyun account, the owner which listed projects belong to :param user: name of the user who has access to listed projects :param group: name of the group listed projects belong to :param prefix: prefix of names of listed projects :param max_items: the maximal size of result set :return: projects in this endpoint. :rtype: generator """ return self.projects.iterate( owner=owner, user=user, group=group, max_items=max_items, name=prefix, region_id=region_id, tenant_id=tenant_id )
@property def logview_host(self): return self._logview_host
[docs] def get_project(self, name=None, default_schema=None): """ Get project by given name. :param name: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param default_schema: default schema name, if not provided, will be the schema specified in ODPS object :return: the right project :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Project` :raise: :class:`odps.errors.NoSuchObject` if not exists .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Project` """ if name is None: name = self.project elif isinstance(name, models.Project): return name proj = self._projects[name] proj._tunnel_endpoint = self._tunnel_endpoint proj._logview_host = self._logview_host # use _schema to avoid requesting for tenant options proj._default_schema = default_schema or self._schema proj_ref = weakref.ref(proj) def project_update_callback(odps, update_schema=True): proj_obj = proj_ref() if proj_obj: if update_schema: proj_obj._default_schema = odps.schema proj_obj._tunnel_endpoint = odps.tunnel_endpoint else: self._property_update_callbacks.difference_update([project_update_callback]) # we need to update default schema value on the project self._property_update_callbacks.add( functools.partial(project_update_callback, update_schema=default_schema is None) ) return proj
[docs] def exist_project(self, name): """ If project name which provided exists or not. :param name: project name :return: True if exists or False :rtype: bool """ return name in self._projects
[docs] def list_schemas(self, project=None, prefix=None, owner=None): """ List all schemas of a project. :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str prefix: the listed schemas start with this **prefix** :param str owner: Aliyun account, the owner which listed tables belong to :return: schemas """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.schemas.iterate(name=prefix, owner=owner)
[docs] def get_schema(self, name=None, project=None): """ Get the schema by given name. :param name: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: the Schema object """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.schemas[name or self.schema]
[docs] def exist_schema(self, name, project=None): """ If schema name which provided exists or not. :param name: schema name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: True if exists or False :rtype: bool """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return name in project.schemas
[docs] @utils.with_wait_argument def create_schema(self, name, project=None, async_=False): """ Create a schema with given name :param name: schema name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param async_: if True, will run asynchronously :return: if async_ is True, return instance, otherwise return Schema object. """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.schemas.create(name, async_=async_)
[docs] @utils.with_wait_argument def delete_schema(self, name, project=None, async_=False): """ Delete the schema with given name :param name: schema name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param async_: if True, will run asynchronously :type async_: bool """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.schemas.delete(name, async_=async_)
def _get_project_or_schema(self, project=None, schema=None): if self.is_schema_namespace_enabled(): schema = schema or "default" if schema is not None: return self.get_schema(schema, project=project) else: return self.get_project(project) def _split_object_dots(self, name): parts = [x.strip() for x in name.split('.')] if len(parts) == 1: project, schema, name = None, None, parts[0] elif len(parts) == 2: if self.is_schema_namespace_enabled(): schema, name = parts project = None else: project, name = parts schema = None else: project, schema, name = parts if name.startswith("`") and name.endswith("`"): name = name.strip("`") return project, schema, name
[docs] def list_tables( self, project=None, prefix=None, owner=None, schema=None, type=None, extended=False ): """ List all tables of a project. If prefix is provided, the listed tables will all start with this prefix. If owner is provided, the listed tables will belong to such owner. :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str prefix: the listed tables start with this **prefix** :param str owner: Aliyun account, the owner which listed tables belong to :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param str type: type of the table :param bool extended: if True, load extended information for table :return: tables in this project, filtered by the optional prefix and owner. :rtype: generator """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.tables.iterate(name=prefix, owner=owner, type=type, extended=extended)
[docs] def get_table(self, name, project=None, schema=None): """ Get table by given name. :param name: table name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: the right table :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Table` :raise: :class:`odps.errors.NoSuchObject` if not exists .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Table` """ if isinstance(name, six.string_types) and '.' in name: project, schema, name = self._split_object_dots(name) parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.tables[name]
[docs] def exist_table(self, name, project=None, schema=None): """ If the table with given name exists or not. :param name: table name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :type schema: str :return: True if table exists or False :rtype: bool """ if isinstance(name, six.string_types) and '.' in name: project, schema, name = self._split_object_dots(name) parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return name in parent.tables
[docs] @utils.with_wait_argument def create_table( self, name, table_schema=None, project=None, schema=None, comment=None, if_not_exists=False, lifecycle=None, shard_num=None, hub_lifecycle=None, hints=None, transactional=False, primary_key=None, storage_tier=None, async_=False, **kw ): """ Create a table by given schema and other optional parameters. :param name: table name :param table_schema: table schema. Can be an instance of :class:`odps.models.TableSchema` or a string like 'col1 string, col2 bigint' :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param comment: table comment :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param bool if_not_exists: will not create if this table already exists, default False :param int lifecycle: table's lifecycle. If absent, `options.lifecycle` will be used. :param int shard_num: table's shard num :param int hub_lifecycle: hub lifecycle :param dict hints: hints for the task :param bool transactional: make table transactional :param list primary_key: primary key of the table, only for transactional tables :param str storage_tier: storage tier of the table :param bool async_: if True, will run asynchronously :return: the created Table if not async else odps instance :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Table` or :class:`odps.models.Instance` .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Table`, :class:`odps.models.TableSchema` """ from .types import OdpsSchema if table_schema is None and schema: if ( isinstance(schema, OdpsSchema) or isinstance(schema, tuple) or (isinstance(schema, six.string_types) and ' ' in schema) ): table_schema, schema = schema, None warnings.warn( "`schema` is renamed as `table_schema` in `create_table`, " "the original parameter now represents schema name. Please " "change your code.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) utils.add_survey_call("ODPS.create_table(schema='schema_name')") if table_schema is None: raise TypeError("`table_schema` argument not filled") if isinstance(name, six.string_types) and '.' in name: project, schema, name = self._split_object_dots(name) if lifecycle is None and options.lifecycle is not None: lifecycle = options.lifecycle parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.tables.create( name, table_schema, comment=comment, if_not_exists=if_not_exists, lifecycle=lifecycle, shard_num=shard_num, hub_lifecycle=hub_lifecycle, hints=hints, transactional=transactional, primary_key=primary_key, storage_tier=storage_tier, async_=async_, **kw )
[docs] @utils.with_wait_argument def delete_table(self, name, project=None, if_exists=False, schema=None, hints=None, async_=False): """ Delete the table with given name :param name: table name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param bool if_exists: will not raise errors when the table does not exist, default False :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param dict hints: hints for the task :param bool async_: if True, will run asynchronously :return: None if not async else odps instance """ if isinstance(name, six.string_types) and '.' in name: project, schema, name = self._split_object_dots(name) parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.tables.delete(name, if_exists=if_exists, hints=hints, async_=async_)
[docs] def read_table(self, name, limit=None, start=0, step=None, project=None, schema=None, partition=None, **kw): """ Read table's records. :param name: table or table name :type name: :class:`odps.models.table.Table` or str :param limit: the records' size, if None will read all records from the table :param start: the record where read starts with :param step: default as 1 :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :type schema: str :param partition: the partition of this table to read :param columns: the columns' names which are the parts of table's columns :type columns: list :param compress: if True, the data will be compressed during downloading :type compress: bool :param compress_option: the compression algorithm, level and strategy :type compress_option: :class:`odps.tunnel.CompressOption` :param endpoint: tunnel service URL :param reopen: reading the table will reuse the session which opened last time, if set to True will open a new download session, default as False :return: records :rtype: generator :Example: >>> for record in odps.read_table('test_table', 100): >>> # deal with such 100 records >>> for record in odps.read_table('test_table', partition='pt=test', start=100, limit=100): >>> # read the `pt=test` partition, skip 100 records and read 100 records .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Record` """ if isinstance(name, six.string_types) and '.' in name: project, schema, name = self._split_object_dots(name) if not isinstance(name, six.string_types): if name.get_schema(): schema = name.get_schema().name project, name =, parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) table = parent.tables[name] compress = kw.pop('compress', False) columns = kw.pop('columns', None) with table.open_reader(partition=partition, **kw) as reader: for record in, limit, step=step, compress=compress, columns=columns): yield record
[docs] def write_table(self, name, *block_records, **kw): """ Write records into given table. :param name: table or table name :type name: :class:`.models.table.Table` or str :param block_records: if given records only, the block id will be 0 as default. :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :type schema: str :param partition: the partition of this table to write :param bool overwrite: if True, will overwrite existing data :param compress: if True, the data will be compressed during uploading :type compress: bool :param compress_option: the compression algorithm, level and strategy :type compress_option: :class:`odps.tunnel.CompressOption` :param endpoint: tunnel service URL :param reopen: writing the table will reuse the session which opened last time, if set to True will open a new upload session, default as False :return: None :Example: >>> odps.write_table('test_table', records) # write to block 0 as default >>> >>> odps.write_table('test_table', 0, records) # write to block 0 explicitly >>> >>> odps.write_table('test_table', 0, records1, 1, records2) # write to multi-blocks >>> >>> odps.write_table('test_table', records, partition='pt=test') # write to certain partition .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Record` """ project = kw.pop('project', None) schema = kw.pop('schema', None) if isinstance(name, six.string_types) and '.' in name: project, schema, name = self._split_object_dots(name) if not isinstance(name, six.string_types): if name.get_schema(): schema = name.get_schema().name project, name =, parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) table = parent.tables[name] partition = kw.pop('partition', None) if len(block_records) == 1 and isinstance(block_records[0], Iterable): blocks = [0, ] records_iterators = block_records else: blocks = block_records[::2] records_iterators = block_records[1::2] if len(blocks) != len(records_iterators): raise ValueError('Should invoke like ' 'odps.write_table(block_id, records, block_id2, records2, ..., **kw)') with table.open_writer(partition=partition, blocks=blocks, **kw) as writer: for block, records in zip(blocks, records_iterators): writer.write(block, records)
[docs] def list_resources(self, project=None, prefix=None, owner=None, schema=None): """ List all resources of a project. :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str prefix: the listed resources start with this **prefix** :param str owner: Aliyun account, the owner which listed tables belong to :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: resources :rtype: generator """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) for resource in parent.resources.iterate(name=prefix, owner=owner): yield resource
[docs] def get_resource(self, name, project=None, schema=None): """ Get a resource by given name :param name: resource name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: the right resource :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Resource` :raise: :class:`odps.errors.NoSuchObject` if not exists .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Resource` """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.resources[name]
[docs] def exist_resource(self, name, project=None, schema=None): """ If the resource with given name exists or not. :param name: resource name :param schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :type schema: str :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: True if exists or False :rtype: bool """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return name in parent.resources
[docs] def open_resource( self, name, project=None, mode='r+', encoding='utf-8', schema=None, type="file", stream=False, comment=None ): """ Open a file resource as file-like object. This is an elegant and pythonic way to handle file resource. The argument ``mode`` stands for the open mode for this file resource. It can be binary mode if the 'b' is inside. For instance, 'rb' means opening the resource as read binary mode while 'r+b' means opening the resource as read+write binary mode. This is most import when the file is actually binary such as tar or jpeg file, so be aware of opening this file as a correct mode. Basically, the text mode can be 'r', 'w', 'a', 'r+', 'w+', 'a+' just like the builtin python ``open`` method. * ``r`` means read only * ``w`` means write only, the file will be truncated when opening * ``a`` means append only * ``r+`` means read+write without constraint * ``w+`` will truncate first then opening into read+write * ``a+`` can read+write, however the written content can only be appended to the end :param name: file resource or file resource name :type name: :class:`odps.models.FileResource` or str :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param str mode: the mode of opening file, described as above :param str encoding: utf-8 as default :param str type: resource type, can be "file", "archive", "jar" or "py" :param bool stream: if True, use stream to upload, False by default :param str comment: comment of the resource :return: file-like object :Example: >>> with odps.open_resource('test_resource', mode='r') as fp: >>> # read one unicode character >>> fp.write('test') # wrong, cannot write under read mode >>> >>> with odps.open_resource('test_resource', mode='wb') as fp: >>> fp.readlines() # wrong, cannot read under write mode >>> fp.write('hello world') # write bytes >>> >>> with odps.open_resource('test_resource') as fp: # default as read-write mode >>> >>> fp.truncate() >>> fp.flush() """ from .models import FileResource if isinstance(name, FileResource): return parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.resources.get_typed(name, type=type, comment=comment).open( mode=mode, encoding=encoding, stream=stream )
[docs] def create_resource(self, name, type=None, project=None, schema=None, **kwargs): """ Create a resource by given name and given type. Currently, the resource type can be ``file``, ``jar``, ``py``, ``archive``, ``table``. The ``file``, ``jar``, ``py``, ``archive`` can be classified into file resource. To init the file resource, you have to provide another parameter which is a file-like object. For the table resource, the table name, project name, and partition should be provided which the partition is optional. :param name: resource name :param type: resource type, now support ``file``, ``jar``, ``py``, ``archive``, ``table`` :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :type schema: str :param kwargs: optional arguments, I will illustrate this in the example below. :return: resource depends on the type, if ``file`` will be :class:`odps.models.FileResource` and so on :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Resource`'s subclasses :Example: >>> from odps.models.resource import * >>> >>> res = odps.create_resource('test_file_resource', 'file', fileobj=open('/to/path/file')) >>> assert isinstance(res, FileResource) >>> True >>> >>> res = odps.create_resource('', 'py', fileobj=StringIO('import this')) >>> assert isinstance(res, PyResource) >>> True >>> >>> res = odps.create_resource('test_table_resource', 'table', table_name='test_table', partition='pt=test') >>> assert isinstance(res, TableResource) >>> True >>> .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.FileResource`, :class:`odps.models.PyResource`, :class:`odps.models.JarResource`, :class:`odps.models.ArchiveResource`, :class:`odps.models.TableResource` """ type_ = kwargs.get('typo') or type parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.resources.create(name=name, type=type_, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete_resource(self, name, project=None, schema=None): """ Delete resource by given name. :param name: resource name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :type schema: str :return: None """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.resources.delete(name)
[docs] def list_functions(self, project=None, prefix=None, owner=None, schema=None): """ List all functions of a project. :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str prefix: the listed functions start with this **prefix** :param str owner: Aliyun account, the owner which listed tables belong to :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: functions :rtype: generator """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) for function in parent.functions.iterate(name=prefix, owner=owner): yield function
[docs] def get_function(self, name, project=None, schema=None): """ Get the function by given name :param name: function name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: the right function :raise: :class:`odps.errors.NoSuchObject` if not exists .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Function` """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.functions[name]
[docs] def exist_function(self, name, project=None, schema=None): """ If the function with given name exists or not. :param str name: function name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: True if the function exists or False :rtype: bool """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return name in parent.functions
[docs] def create_function(self, name, project=None, schema=None, **kwargs): """ Create a function by given name. :param name: function name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param str class_type: main class :param list resources: the resources that function needs to use :return: the created function :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Function` :Example: >>> res = odps.get_resource('') >>> func = odps.create_function('test_func', class_type='test_func.Test', resources=[res, ]) .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Function` """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.functions.create(name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete_function(self, name, project=None, schema=None): """ Delete a function by given name. :param name: function name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :type schema: str :return: None """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.functions.delete(name)
[docs] def list_instances(self, project=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, status=None, only_owner=None, quota_index=None, **kw): """ List instances of a project by given optional conditions including start time, end time, status and if only the owner. :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param start_time: the start time of filtered instances :type start_time: datetime, int or float :param end_time: the end time of filtered instances :type end_time: datetime, int or float :param status: including 'Running', 'Suspended', 'Terminated' :param only_owner: True will filter the instances created by current user :type only_owner: bool :param quota_index: :type quota_index: str :return: instances :rtype: list """ if 'from_time' in kw: start_time = kw['from_time'] warnings.warn( 'The keyword argument `from_time` has been replaced by `start_time`.', DeprecationWarning, ) project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.instances.iterate( start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, status=status, only_owner=only_owner, quota_index=quota_index)
[docs] def list_instance_queueing_infos(self, project=None, status=None, only_owner=None, quota_index=None): """ List instance queueing information. :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param status: including 'Running', 'Suspended', 'Terminated' :param only_owner: True will filter the instances created by current user :type only_owner: bool :param quota_index: :type quota_index: str :return: instance queueing infos :rtype: list """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.instance_queueing_infos.iterate( status=status, only_owner=only_owner, quota_index=quota_index)
[docs] def get_instance(self, id_, project=None): """ Get instance by given instance id. :param id_: instance id :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: the right instance :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Instance` :raise: :class:`odps.errors.NoSuchObject` if not exists .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Instance` """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.instances[id_]
[docs] def exist_instance(self, id_, project=None): """ If the instance with given id exists or not. :param id_: instance id :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: True if exists or False :rtype: bool """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return id_ in project.instances
[docs] def stop_instance(self, id_, project=None): """ Stop the running instance by given instance id. :param id_: instance id :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: None """ project = self.get_project(name=project) project.instances[id_].stop()
stop_job = stop_instance # to keep compatible
[docs] def execute_sql(self, sql, project=None, priority=None, running_cluster=None, hints=None, **kwargs): """ Run a given SQL statement and block until the SQL executed successfully. :param sql: SQL statement :type sql: str :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param priority: instance priority, 9 as default :type priority: int :param running_cluster: cluster to run this instance :param hints: settings for SQL, e.g. `` :type hints: dict :return: instance :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Instance` :Example: >>> instance = odps.execute_sql('select * from dual') >>> with instance.open_reader() as reader: >>> for record in reader: # iterate to handle result with schema >>> # handle each record >>> >>> instance = odps.execute_sql('desc dual') >>> with instance.open_reader() as reader: >>> print(reader.raw) # without schema, just get the raw result .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Instance` """ async_ = kwargs.pop('async_', kwargs.pop('async', False)) inst = self.run_sql( sql, project=project, priority=priority, running_cluster=running_cluster, hints=hints, **kwargs) if not async_: inst.wait_for_success() return inst
[docs] def run_sql(self, sql, project=None, priority=None, running_cluster=None, hints=None, aliases=None, default_schema=None, **kwargs): """ Run a given SQL statement asynchronously :param sql: SQL statement :type sql: str :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param priority: instance priority, 9 as default :type priority: int :param running_cluster: cluster to run this instance :param hints: settings for SQL, e.g. `` :type hints: dict :param aliases: :type aliases: dict :return: instance :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Instance` .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Instance` """ sql = utils.to_text(sql) merge_small_files_match = _MERGE_SMALL_FILES_REGEX.match(sql) if merge_small_files_match: kwargs = merge_small_files_match.groupdict().copy() kwargs.update({ "project": project, "schema": default_schema, "hints": hints, "running_cluster": running_cluster, "priority": priority, }) return self.run_merge_files(**kwargs) priority = priority if priority is not None else options.priority if priority is None and options.get_priority is not None: priority = options.get_priority(self) on_instance_create = kwargs.pop('on_instance_create', None) alter_table_match = _ALTER_TABLE_REGEX.match(sql) if alter_table_match: drop_table_name ='table_name') sql_project, sql_schema, sql_name = self._split_object_dots(drop_table_name) sql_project = sql_project or project sql_schema = sql_schema or default_schema del self._get_project_or_schema(sql_project, sql_schema).tables[sql_name] task = models.SQLTask(query=sql, **kwargs) task.update_sql_settings(hints) default_schema = default_schema or self.schema if default_schema is not None: task.update_sql_settings({ "odps.sql.allow.namespace.schema": "true", "odps.namespace.schema": "true", "odps.default.schema": default_schema, }) if aliases: task.update_aliases(aliases) project = self.get_project(name=project) try: return project.instances.create( task=task, priority=priority, running_cluster=running_cluster, create_callback=on_instance_create ) except errors.ParseError as ex: ex.statement = sql raise
[docs] def execute_sql_cost(self, sql, project=None, hints=None, **kwargs): """ :param sql: SQL statement :type sql: str :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param hints: settings for SQL, e.g. `` :type hints: dict :return: cost info in dict format :rtype: cost: dict :Example: >>> sql_cost = odps.execute_sql_cost('select * from dual') >>> sql_cost.udf_num 0 >>> sql_cost.complexity 1.0 >>> sql_cost.input_size 100 """ task = models.SQLCostTask(query=utils.to_text(sql), **kwargs) task.update_sql_cost_settings(hints) project = self.get_project(name=project) inst = project.instances.create(task=task) inst.wait_for_success() return inst.get_sql_task_cost()
def _parse_partition_string(self, partition): parts = [] for p in utils.split_quoted(partition, ','): kv = [pp.strip() for pp in utils.split_quoted(p, '=')] if len(kv) != 2: raise ValueError('Partition representation malformed.') if not kv[1].startswith('"') and not kv[1].startswith("'"): kv[1] = repr(kv[1]) parts.append('%s=%s' % tuple(kv)) return ','.join(parts)
[docs] def execute_merge_files(self, table, partition=None, project=None, schema=None, hints=None, priority=None, running_cluster=None, compact_type=None): """ Execute a task to merge multiple files in tables and wait for termination. :param table: name of the table to optimize :param partition: partition to optimize :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param hints: settings for merge task. :param priority: instance priority, 9 as default :param running_cluster: cluster to run this instance :param compact_type: compact option for transactional table, can be major or minor. :return: instance :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Instance` """ inst = self.run_merge_files( table, partition=partition, project=project, hints=hints, schema=schema, priority=priority, running_cluster=running_cluster, compact_type=compact_type, ) inst.wait_for_success() return inst
[docs] def run_merge_files(self, table, partition=None, project=None, schema=None, hints=None, priority=None, running_cluster=None, compact_type=None): """ Start running a task to merge multiple files in tables. :param table: name of the table to optimize :param partition: partition to optimize :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param hints: settings for merge task. :param priority: instance priority, 9 as default :param running_cluster: cluster to run this instance :param compact_type: compact option for transactional table, can be major or minor. :return: instance :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Instance` """ from .models.tasks import MergeTask schema = schema or self.schema if not isinstance(table, six.string_types): if table.get_schema(): schema = table.get_schema().name table_name = table.full_table_name else: table_name = table _, schema, _ = self._split_object_dots(table) if partition: table_name += " partition(%s)" % (self._parse_partition_string(partition)) priority = priority if priority is not None else options.priority if priority is None and options.get_priority is not None: priority = options.get_priority(self) hints = hints or dict() if options.default_task_settings: hints.update(options.default_task_settings) if compact_type: hints.update({ "odps.merge.txn.table.compact": compact_type, "odps.merge.restructure.action": "hardlink", }) if schema is not None: hints.update({ "odps.sql.allow.namespace.schema": "true", "odps.namespace.schema": "true", "odps.default.schema": schema, }) task = MergeTask(table=table_name.replace("`", "")) task.update_settings(hints) project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.instances.create( task=task, running_cluster=running_cluster, priority=priority )
[docs] def execute_archive_table(self, table, partition=None, project=None, schema=None, hints=None, priority=None): """ Execute a task to archive tables and wait for termination. :param table: name of the table to archive :param partition: partition to archive :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param hints: settings for table archive task. :param priority: instance priority, 9 as default :return: instance :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Instance` """ inst = self.run_archive_table(table, partition=partition, project=project, hints=hints, priority=priority) inst.wait_for_success() return inst
[docs] def run_archive_table(self, table, partition=None, project=None, schema=None, hints=None, priority=None): """ Start running a task to archive tables. :param table: name of the table to archive :param partition: partition to archive :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param hints: settings for table archive task. :param priority: instance priority, 9 as default :return: instance :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Instance` """ from .models.tasks import MergeTask if partition: table += " partition(%s)" % (self._parse_partition_string(partition)) priority = priority if priority is not None else options.priority if priority is None and options.get_priority is not None: priority = options.get_priority(self) name = 'archive_task_{0}_{1}'.format(int(time.time()), random.randint(100000, 999999)) task = MergeTask(name=name, table=table) task.update_settings(hints) task._update_property_json('archiveSettings', {'odps.merge.archive.flag': True}) project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.instances.create(task=task, priority=priority)
[docs] def list_volumes(self, project=None, schema=None, owner=None): """ List volumes of a project. :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param str owner: Aliyun account :return: volumes :rtype: list """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.volumes.iterate(owner=owner)
@utils.deprecated('`create_volume` is deprecated. Use `created_parted_volume` instead.') def create_volume(self, name, project=None, **kwargs): self.create_parted_volume(name, project=project, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_parted_volume(self, name, project=None, schema=None, **kwargs): """ Create an old-fashioned partitioned volume in a project. :param str name: volume name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: volume :rtype: :class:`odps.models.PartedVolume` .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.PartedVolume` """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.volumes.create_parted(name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_fs_volume(self, name, project=None, schema=None, **kwargs): """ Create a new-fashioned file system volume in a project. :param str name: volume name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: volume :rtype: :class:`odps.models.FSVolume` .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.FSVolume` """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.volumes.create_fs(name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_external_volume( self, name, project=None, schema=None, location=None, rolearn=None, **kwargs ): """ Create a file system volume based on external storage (for instance, OSS) in a project. :param str name: volume name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: volume :rtype: :class:`odps.models.FSVolume` .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.FSVolume` """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.volumes.create_external( name=name, location=location, rolearn=rolearn, **kwargs )
[docs] def exist_volume(self, name, schema=None, project=None): """ If the volume with given name exists or not. :param str name: volume name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: True if exists or False :rtype: bool """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return name in parent.volumes
[docs] def get_volume(self, name, project=None, schema=None): """ Get volume by given name. :param str name: volume name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: volume object. Return type depends on the type of the volume. :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Volume` """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.volumes[name]
[docs] def delete_volume(self, name, project=None, schema=None): """ Delete volume by given name. :param name: volume name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: None """ parent = self._get_project_or_schema(project, schema) return parent.volumes.delete(name)
[docs] def list_volume_partitions(self, volume, project=None, schema=None): """ List partitions of a volume. :param str volume: volume name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: partitions :rtype: list """ volume = self.get_volume(volume, project, schema=schema) return volume.partitions.iterate()
[docs] def get_volume_partition(self, volume, partition=None, project=None, schema=None): """ Get partition in a parted volume by given name. :param str volume: volume name :param str partition: partition name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: partitions :rtype: :class:`odps.models.VolumePartition` """ if partition is None: if not volume.startswith('/') or '/' not in volume.lstrip('/'): raise ValueError('You should provide a partition name or use partition path instead.') volume, partition = volume.lstrip('/').split('/', 1) volume = self.get_volume(volume, project, schema=schema) return volume.partitions[partition]
[docs] def exist_volume_partition(self, volume, partition=None, project=None, schema=None): """ If the volume with given name exists in a partition or not. :param str volume: volume name :param str partition: partition name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema """ if partition is None: if not volume.startswith('/') or '/' not in volume.lstrip('/'): raise ValueError('You should provide a partition name or use partition path instead.') volume, partition = volume.lstrip('/').split('/', 1) try: volume = self.get_volume(volume, project, schema=schema) except errors.NoSuchObject: return False return partition in volume.partitions
[docs] def delete_volume_partition(self, volume, partition=None, project=None, schema=None): """ Delete partition in a volume by given name :param str volume: volume name :param str partition: partition name :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema """ if partition is None: if not volume.startswith('/') or '/' not in volume.lstrip('/'): raise ValueError('You should provide a partition name or use partition path instead.') volume, partition = volume.lstrip('/').split('/', 1) volume = self.get_volume(volume, project, schema=schema) return volume.delete_partition(partition)
[docs] def list_volume_files(self, volume, partition=None, project=None, schema=None): """ List files in a volume. In partitioned volumes, the function returns files under specified partition. In file system volumes, the function returns files under specified path. :param str volume: volume name :param str partition: partition name for partitioned volumes, and path for file system volumes. :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: files :rtype: list :Example: >>> # List files under a partition in a partitioned volume. Two calls are equivalent. >>> odps.list_volume_files('parted_volume', 'partition_name') >>> odps.list_volume_files('/parted_volume/partition_name') >>> # List files under a path in a file system volume. Two calls are equivalent. >>> odps.list_volume_files('fs_volume', 'dir1/dir2') >>> odps.list_volume_files('/fs_volume/dir1/dir2') """ from .models import PartedVolume if partition is None: if not volume.startswith('/'): raise ValueError('You should provide a partition name or use partition / path instead.') volume = volume.lstrip('/') if '/' in volume: volume, partition = volume.split('/', 1) volume = self.get_volume(volume, project, schema=schema) if isinstance(volume, PartedVolume): if not partition: raise ValueError('Malformed partition url.') return volume.partitions[partition].files.iterate() else: return volume[partition].objects.iterate()
[docs] def create_volume_directory(self, volume, path=None, project=None, schema=None): """ Create a directory under a file system volume. :param str volume: name of the volume. :param str path: path of the directory to be created. :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project. :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: directory object. """ from .models import PartedVolume if path is None: if not volume.startswith('/'): raise ValueError('You should provide a valid path.') volume = volume.lstrip('/') if '/' in volume: volume, path = volume.split('/', 1) volume = self.get_volume(volume, project, schema=schema) if isinstance(volume, PartedVolume): raise ValueError('Only supported under file system volumes.') else: return volume.create_dir(path)
[docs] def get_volume_file(self, volume, path=None, project=None, schema=None): """ Get a file under a partition of a parted volume, or a file / directory object under a file system volume. :param str volume: name of the volume. :param str path: path of the directory to be created. :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project. :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: directory object. """ from .models import PartedVolume if path is None: if not volume.startswith('/'): raise ValueError('You should provide a valid path.') volume = volume.lstrip('/') if '/' in volume: volume, path = volume.split('/', 1) volume = self.get_volume(volume, project, schema=schema) if isinstance(volume, PartedVolume): if '/' not in path: raise ValueError('Partition/File format malformed.') part, file_name = path.split('/', 1) return volume.get_partition(part).files[file_name] else: return volume[path]
[docs] def move_volume_file(self, old_path, new_path, replication=None, project=None, schema=None): """ Move a file / directory object under a file system volume to another location in the same volume. :param str old_path: old path of the volume file. :param str new_path: target path of the moved file. :param int replication: file replication. :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project. :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: directory object. """ from .models import PartedVolume if not new_path.startswith('/'): # make relative path absolute old_root, _ = old_path.rsplit('/', 1) new_path = old_root + '/' + new_path if not old_path.startswith('/'): raise ValueError('You should provide a valid path.') old_volume, old_path = old_path.lstrip('/').split('/', 1) new_volume, _ = new_path.lstrip('/').split('/', 1) if old_volume != new_volume: raise ValueError('Moving between different volumes is not supported.') volume = self.get_volume(old_volume, project, schema=schema) if isinstance(volume, PartedVolume): raise ValueError('Only supported under file system volumes.') else: volume[old_path].move(new_path, replication=replication)
[docs] def delete_volume_file(self, volume, path=None, recursive=False, project=None, schema=None): """ Delete a file / directory object under a file system volume. :param str volume: name of the volume. :param str path: path of the directory to be created. :param bool recursive: if True, recursively delete files :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project. :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :return: directory object. """ from .models import PartedVolume if path is None: if not volume.startswith('/'): raise ValueError('You should provide a valid path.') volume = volume.lstrip('/') if '/' in volume: volume, path = volume.split('/', 1) volume = self.get_volume(volume, project, schema=schema) if isinstance(volume, PartedVolume): raise ValueError('Only supported under file system volumes.') else: volume[path].delete(recursive=recursive)
[docs] def open_volume_reader(self, volume, partition=None, file_name=None, project=None, schema=None, start=None, length=None, **kwargs): """ Open a volume file for read. A file-like object will be returned which can be used to read contents from volume files. :param str volume: name of the volume :param str partition: name of the partition :param str file_name: name of the file :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param start: start position :param length: length limit :param compress_option: the compression algorithm, level and strategy :type compress_option: CompressOption :Example: >>> with odps.open_volume_reader('parted_volume', 'partition', 'file') as reader: >>> [print(line) for line in reader] """ from .models import PartedVolume if partition is None: if not volume.startswith('/'): raise ValueError('You should provide a partition name or use partition / path instead.') volume = volume.lstrip('/') volume, partition = volume.split('/', 1) if '/' in partition: partition, file_name = partition.rsplit('/', 1) else: partition, file_name = None, partition volume = self.get_volume(volume, project, schema=schema) if isinstance(volume, PartedVolume): if not partition: raise ValueError('Malformed partition url.') return volume.partitions[partition].open_reader(file_name, start=start, length=length, **kwargs) else: return volume[partition].open_reader(file_name, start=start, length=length, **kwargs)
[docs] def open_volume_writer(self, volume, partition=None, project=None, schema=None, **kwargs): """ Write data into a volume. This function behaves differently under different types of volumes. Under partitioned volumes, all files under a partition should be uploaded in one submission. The method returns a writer object with whose `open` method you can open a file inside the volume and write to it, or you can use `write` method to write to specific files. Under file system volumes, the method returns a file-like object. :param str volume: name of the volume :param str partition: partition name for partitioned volumes, and path for file system volumes. :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param compress_option: the compression algorithm, level and strategy :type compress_option: :class:`odps.tunnel.CompressOption` :Example: >>> # Writing to partitioned volumes >>> with odps.open_volume_writer('parted_volume', 'partition') as writer: >>> # both write methods are acceptable >>>'file1').write('some content') >>> writer.write('file2', 'some content') >>> # Writing to file system volumes >>> with odps.open_volume_writer('/fs_volume/dir1/file_name') as writer: >>> writer.write('some content') """ from .models import PartedVolume if partition is None: if not volume.startswith('/'): raise ValueError('You should provide a partition name or use partition / path instead.') volume = volume.lstrip('/') volume, partition = volume.split('/', 1) volume = self.get_volume(volume, project, schema=schema) if isinstance(volume, PartedVolume): return volume.partitions[partition].open_writer(**kwargs) else: if '/' in partition: partition, file_name = partition.rsplit('/', 1) else: partition, file_name = None, partition return volume[partition].open_writer(file_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_xflows(self, project=None, owner=None): """ List xflows of a project which can be filtered by the xflow owner. :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str owner: Aliyun account :return: xflows :rtype: list """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.xflows.iterate(owner=owner)
[docs] def get_xflow(self, name, project=None): """ Get xflow by given name :param name: xflow name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: xflow :rtype: :class:`odps.models.XFlow` :raise: :class:`odps.errors.NoSuchObject` if not exists .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.XFlow` """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.xflows[name]
[docs] def exist_xflow(self, name, project=None): """ If the xflow with given name exists or not. :param name: xflow name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: True if exists or False :rtype: bool """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return name in project.xflows
[docs] def run_xflow(self, xflow_name, xflow_project=None, parameters=None, project=None, hints=None, priority=None): """ Run xflow by given name, xflow project, paremeters asynchronously. :param xflow_name: XFlow name :type xflow_name: str :param xflow_project: the project XFlow deploys :type xflow_project: str :param parameters: parameters :type parameters: dict :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param hints: execution hints :type hints: dict :param priority: instance priority, 9 as default :type priority: int :return: instance :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Instance` .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Instance` """ project = self.get_project(name=project) xflow_project = xflow_project or project if isinstance(xflow_project, models.Project): xflow_project = return project.xflows.run_xflow( xflow_name=xflow_name, xflow_project=xflow_project, project=project, parameters=parameters, hints=hints, priority=priority)
[docs] def execute_xflow(self, xflow_name, xflow_project=None, parameters=None, project=None, hints=None, priority=None): """ Run xflow by given name, xflow project, paremeters, block until xflow executed successfully. :param xflow_name: XFlow name :type xflow_name: str :param xflow_project: the project XFlow deploys :type xflow_project: str :param parameters: parameters :type parameters: dict :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param hints: execution hints :type hints: dict :param priority: instance priority, 9 as default :type priority: int :return: instance :rtype: :class:`odps.models.Instance` .. seealso:: :class:`odps.models.Instance` """ inst = self.run_xflow( xflow_name, xflow_project=xflow_project, parameters=parameters, project=project, hints=hints, priority=priority) inst.wait_for_success() return inst
[docs] def get_xflow_results(self, instance, project=None): """ The result given the results of xflow :param instance: instance of xflow :type instance: :class:`odps.models.Instance` :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: xflow result :rtype: dict """ project = self.get_project(name=project) from .models import Instance if not isinstance(instance, Instance): instance = project.instances[instance] return project.xflows.get_xflow_results(instance)
[docs] def get_xflow_sub_instances(self, instance, project=None): """ The result iterates the sub instance of xflow :param instance: instance of xflow :type instance: :class:`odps.models.Instance` :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: sub instances dictionary """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.xflows.get_xflow_sub_instances(instance)
[docs] def iter_xflow_sub_instances(self, instance, interval=1, project=None, check=False): """ The result iterates the sub instance of xflow and will wait till instance finish :param instance: instance of xflow :type instance: :class:`odps.models.Instance` :param interval: time interval to check :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param bool check: check if the instance is successful :return: sub instances dictionary """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.xflows.iter_xflow_sub_instances( instance, interval=interval, check=check )
[docs] def delete_xflow(self, name, project=None): """ Delete xflow by given name. :param name: xflow name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: None """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.xflows.delete(name)
[docs] def list_offline_models(self, project=None, prefix=None, owner=None): """ List offline models of project by optional filter conditions including prefix and owner. :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param prefix: prefix of offline model's name :param owner: Aliyun account :return: offline models :rtype: list """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.offline_models.iterate(name=prefix, owner=owner)
[docs] def get_offline_model(self, name, project=None): """ Get offline model by given name :param name: offline model name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: offline model :rtype: :class:`` :raise: :class:`odps.errors.NoSuchObject` if not exists """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.offline_models[name]
[docs] def exist_offline_model(self, name, project=None): """ If the offline model with given name exists or not. :param name: offline model's name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: True if offline model exists else False :rtype: bool """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return name in project.offline_models
[docs] @utils.with_wait_argument def copy_offline_model(self, name, new_name, project=None, new_project=None, async_=False): """ Copy current model into a new location. :param new_name: name of the new model :param new_project: new project name. if absent, original project name will be used :param async_: if True, return the copy instance. otherwise return the newly-copied model """ return self.get_offline_model(name, project=project) \ .copy(new_name, new_project=new_project, async_=async_)
[docs] def delete_offline_model(self, name, project=None, if_exists=False): """ Delete the offline model by given name. :param name: offline model's name :param if_exists: will not raise errors when the offline model does not exist, default False :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: None """ project = self.get_project(name=project) try: return project.offline_models.delete(name) except NoSuchObject: if not if_exists: raise
[docs] def get_logview_host(self): """ Get logview host address. :return: logview host address """ if self.endpoint in _logview_host_cache: return _logview_host_cache[self.endpoint] try: logview_host = utils.to_str( + '/logview/host').content ) except: logview_host = None if not logview_host: logview_host = utils.get_default_logview_endpoint(LOGVIEW_HOST_DEFAULT, self.endpoint) _logview_host_cache[self.endpoint] = logview_host return logview_host
[docs] def get_logview_address(self, instance_id, hours=None, project=None): """ Get logview address by given instance id and hours. :param instance_id: instance id :param hours: :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: logview address :rtype: str """ hours = hours or options.logview_hours inst = self.get_instance(instance_id, project=project) return inst.get_logview_address(hours=hours)
[docs] def get_project_policy(self, project=None): """ Get policy of a project :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: JSON object """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.policy
[docs] def set_project_policy(self, policy, project=None): """ Set policy of a project :param policy: name of policy. :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: JSON object """ project = self.get_project(name=project) project.policy = policy
[docs] def create_role(self, name, project=None): """ Create a role in a project :param name: name of the role to create :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: role object created """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.roles.create(name)
[docs] def list_roles(self, project=None): """ List all roles in a project :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: collection of role objects """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.roles
[docs] def exist_role(self, name, project=None): """ Check if a role exists in a project :param name: name of the role :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return name in project.roles
[docs] def delete_role(self, name, project=None): """ Delete a role in a project :param name: name of the role to delete :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project """ project = self.get_project(name=project) project.roles.delete(name)
[docs] def get_role_policy(self, name, project=None): """ Get policy object of a role :param name: name of the role :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: JSON object """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.roles[name].policy
[docs] def set_role_policy(self, name, policy, project=None): """ Get policy object of project :param name: name of the role :param policy: policy string or JSON object :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project """ project = self.get_project(name=project) project.roles[name].policy = policy
[docs] def list_role_users(self, name, project=None): """ List users who have the specified role. :param name: name of the role :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: collection of User objects """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.roles[name].users
[docs] def create_user(self, name, project=None): """ Add a user into the project :param name: user name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: user created """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.users.create(name)
[docs] def list_users(self, project=None): """ List users in the project :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: collection of User objects """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.users
[docs] def exist_user(self, name, project=None): """ Check if a user exists in the project :param name: user name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return name in project.users
[docs] def delete_user(self, name, project=None): """ Delete a user from the project :param name: user name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project """ project = self.get_project(name=project) project.users.delete(name)
[docs] def list_user_roles(self, name, project=None): """ List roles of the specified user :param name: user name :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: collection of Role object """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.users[name].roles
[docs] def get_security_options(self, project=None): """ Get all security options of a project :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: SecurityConfiguration object """ project = self.get_project(name=project) return project.security_options
[docs] def get_security_option(self, option_name, project=None): """ Get one security option of a project :param option_name: name of the security option. Please refer to ODPS options for more details. :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :return: option value """ option_name = utils.camel_to_underline(option_name) sec_options = self.get_security_options(project=project) if not hasattr(sec_options, option_name): raise ValueError('Option does not exists.') return getattr(sec_options, option_name)
[docs] def set_security_option(self, option_name, value, project=None): """ Set a security option of a project :param option_name: name of the security option. Please refer to ODPS options for more details. :param value: value of security option to be set. :param project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project. """ option_name = utils.camel_to_underline(option_name) sec_options = self.get_security_options(project=project) if not hasattr(sec_options, option_name): raise ValueError('Option does not exists.') setattr(sec_options, option_name, value) sec_options.update()
[docs] def run_security_query( self, query, project=None, schema=None, token=None, hints=None, output_json=True ): """ Run a security query to grant / revoke / query privileges. If the query is `install package` or `uninstall package`, return a waitable AuthQueryInstance object, otherwise returns the result string or json value. :param str query: query text :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param bool output_json: parse json for the output :return: result string / json object """ project = self.get_project(name=project) schema = schema or self.schema return project.run_security_query( query, schema=schema, token=token, hints=hints, output_json=output_json )
[docs] def execute_security_query( self, query, project=None, schema=None, token=None, hints=None, output_json=True ): """ Execute a security query to grant / revoke / query privileges and returns the result string or json value. :param str query: query text :param str project: project name, if not provided, will be the default project :param str schema: schema name, if not provided, will be the default schema :param bool output_json: parse json for the output :return: result string / json object """ from .models import Project instance_or_result = self.run_security_query( query, project=project, schema=schema, token=token, hints=hints, output_json=output_json ) if not isinstance(instance_or_result, Project.AuthQueryInstance): return instance_or_result return instance_or_result.wait_for_success()
[docs] @utils.deprecated( 'You no longer have to manipulate session instances to use MaxCompute QueryAcceleration. ' 'Try `run_sql_interactive`.' ) def attach_session(self, session_name, taskname=None, hints=None): """ Attach to an existing session. :param session_name: The session name. :param taskname: The created sqlrt task name. If not provided, the default value is used. Mostly doesn't matter, default works. :return: A SessionInstance you may execute select tasks within. """ return self._attach_mcqa_session(session_name, task_name=taskname, hints=hints)
def _attach_mcqa_session(self, session_name=None, task_name=None, hints=None): session_name = session_name or models.session.PUBLIC_SESSION_NAME task_name = task_name or models.session.DEFAULT_TASK_NAME task = models.tasks.SQLRTTask(name=task_name) task.update_sql_rt_settings(hints) task.update_sql_rt_settings( {"": session_name, "odps.sql.submit.mode": "script"} ) project = self.get_project() return project.instances.create( task=task, session_project=project, session_name=session_name )
[docs] @utils.deprecated( 'You no longer have to manipulate session instances to use MaxCompute QueryAcceleration. ' 'Try `run_sql_interactive`.' ) def default_session(self): """ Attach to the default session of your project. :return: A SessionInstance you may execute select tasks within. """ return self._get_default_mcqa_session(wait=False)
def _get_default_mcqa_session( self, session_name=None, hints=None, wait=True, service_startup_timeout=60 ): session_name = session_name or models.session.PUBLIC_SESSION_NAME if self._default_session is None: self._default_session = self._attach_mcqa_session(session_name, hints=hints) self._default_session_name = session_name if wait: self._default_session.wait_for_startup( 0.1, service_startup_timeout, max_interval=1 ) return self._default_session
[docs] @utils.deprecated( 'You no longer have to manipulate session instances to use MaxCompute QueryAcceleration. ' 'Try `run_sql_interactive`.' ) def create_session( self, session_worker_count, session_worker_memory, session_name=None, worker_spare_span=None, taskname=None, hints=None ): """ Create session. :param session_worker_count: How much workers assigned to the session. :param session_worker_memory: How much memory each worker consumes. :param session_name: The session name. Not specifying to use its ID as name. :param worker_spare_span: format "00-24", allocated workers will be reduced during this time. Not specifying to disable this. :param taskname: The created sqlrt task name. If not provided, the default value is used. Mostly doesn't matter, default works. :param hints: Extra hints provided to the session. Parameters of this method will override certain hints. :return: A SessionInstance you may execute select tasks within. """ return self._create_mcqa_session( session_worker_count, session_worker_memory, session_name, worker_spare_span, taskname, hints )
def _create_mcqa_session( self, session_worker_count, session_worker_memory, session_name=None, worker_spare_span=None, task_name=None, hints=None ): if not task_name: task_name = models.session.DEFAULT_TASK_NAME session_hints = { "odps.sql.session.worker.count": str(session_worker_count), "odps.sql.session.worker.memory": str(session_worker_memory), "odps.sql.submit.mode": "script", } if session_name: session_hints[""] = session_name if worker_spare_span: session_hints["odps.sql.session.worker.sparespan"] = worker_spare_span task = models.tasks.SQLRTTask(name=task_name) task.update_sql_rt_settings(hints) task.update_sql_rt_settings(session_hints) project = self.get_project() return project.instances.create( task=task, session_project=project, session_name=session_name )
[docs] def run_sql_interactive(self, sql, hints=None, **kwargs): """ Run SQL query in interactive mode (a.k.a MaxCompute QueryAcceleration). Won't fallback to offline mode automatically if query not supported or fails :param sql: the sql query. :param hints: settings for sql query. :return: instance. """ cached_is_running = False service_name = kwargs.pop('service_name', models.session.PUBLIC_SESSION_NAME) task_name = kwargs.pop('task_name', None) service_startup_timeout = kwargs.pop('service_startup_timeout', 60) force_reattach = kwargs.pop('force_reattach', False) if self._default_session != None: try: cached_is_running = self._default_session.is_running() except BaseException: pass if ( force_reattach or not cached_is_running or self._default_session_name != service_name ): # should reattach, for whatever reason (timed out, terminated, never created, # forced using another session) self._default_session = self._attach_mcqa_session(service_name, task_name=task_name) self._default_session.wait_for_startup(0.1, service_startup_timeout, max_interval=1) self._default_session_name = service_name return self._default_session.run_sql(sql, hints, **kwargs)
@utils.deprecated( 'The method `run_sql_interactive_with_fallback` is deprecated. ' 'Try `execute_sql_interactive` with fallback=True argument instead.' ) def run_sql_interactive_with_fallback(self, sql, hints=None, **kwargs): return self.execute_sql_interactive( sql, hints=hints, fallback='all', wait_fallback=False, **kwargs )
[docs] def execute_sql_interactive( self, sql, hints=None, fallback=True, wait_fallback=True, **kwargs ): """ Run SQL query in interactive mode (a.k.a MaxCompute QueryAcceleration). If query is not supported or fails, and fallback is True, will fallback to offline mode automatically :param sql: the sql query. :param hints: settings for sql query. :param fallback: fallback query to non-interactive mode, True by default. Both boolean type and policy names separated by commas are acceptable. :param bool wait_fallback: wait fallback instance to finish, True by default. :return: instance. """ from .models.session import FallbackMode, FallbackPolicy if isinstance(fallback, (six.string_types, set, list, tuple)): fallback_policy = FallbackPolicy(fallback) elif fallback is False: fallback_policy = None elif fallback is True: fallback_policy = FallbackPolicy("all") else: assert isinstance(fallback, FallbackPolicy) fallback_policy = fallback inst = None use_tunnel = kwargs.pop("tunnel", True) fallback_callback = kwargs.pop("fallback_callback", None) offline_hints = kwargs.pop("offline_hints", None) or {} try: inst = self.run_sql_interactive(sql, hints=hints, **kwargs) inst.wait_for_success(interval=0.1, max_interval=1) try: rd = inst.open_reader(tunnel=use_tunnel, limit=True) if not rd: raise ODPSError('Get sql result fail') except errors.InstanceTypeNotSupported: # sql is not a select, just skip creating reader pass return inst except BaseException as ex: if fallback_policy is None: raise fallback_mode = fallback_policy.get_mode_from_exception(ex) if fallback_mode is None: raise elif fallback_mode == FallbackMode.INTERACTIVE: kwargs["force_reattach"] = True return self.execute_sql_interactive( sql, hints=hints, fallback=fallback, wait_fallback=wait_fallback, **kwargs ) else: kwargs.pop("service_name", None) kwargs.pop("force_reattach", None) kwargs.pop("service_startup_timeout", None) hints = copy.copy(offline_hints or hints or {}) hints["odps.task.sql.sqa.enable"] = "false" if fallback_callback is not None: fallback_callback(inst, ex) if inst is not None: hints["odps.sql.session.fallback.instance"] = "%s_%s" % (, inst.subquery_id) else: hints["odps.sql.session.fallback.instance"] = "fallback4AttachFailed" inst = self.execute_sql(sql, hints=hints, **kwargs) if wait_fallback: inst.wait_for_success() return inst
@classmethod def _build_account(cls, access_id, secret_access_key): return accounts.AliyunAccount(access_id, secret_access_key) def to_global(self, overwritable=False): options.is_global_account_overwritable = overwritable options.account = self.account options.default_project = self.project # use _schema to avoid requesting for tenant options options.default_schema = self._schema options.endpoint = self.endpoint options.logview_host = self.logview_host options.tunnel.endpoint = self._tunnel_endpoint options.app_account = self.app_account options.region_name = self.region_name @classmethod def from_global(cls): if options.account is not None and options.default_project is not None: return cls._from_account( options.account, options.default_project, endpoint=options.endpoint, schema=options.default_schema, tunnel_endpoint=options.tunnel.endpoint, logview_host=options.logview_host, app_account=options.app_account, region_name=options.region_name, ) else: return None @classmethod def from_environments(cls): try: account = accounts.BearerTokenAccount.from_environments() if not account: raise KeyError('ODPS_BEARER_TOKEN') project = os.getenv('ODPS_PROJECT_NAME') endpoint = os.environ['ODPS_ENDPOINT'] tunnel_endpoint = os.getenv('ODPS_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT') return cls(None, None, account=account, project=project, endpoint=endpoint, tunnel_endpoint=tunnel_endpoint) except KeyError: return None
def _get_odps_from_model(self): cur = self while cur is not None and not isinstance(cur, models.Project): cur = cur.parent return cur.odps if cur else None models.RestModel.odps = property(fget=_get_odps_from_model) del _get_odps_from_model try: from .internal.core import * # noqa: F401 except ImportError: pass try: from .mars_extension import create_mars_cluster setattr(ODPS, 'create_mars_cluster', create_mars_cluster) except ImportError: pass try: from .mars_extension import persist_mars_dataframe setattr(ODPS, 'persist_mars_dataframe', persist_mars_dataframe) except ImportError: pass try: from .mars_extension import to_mars_dataframe setattr(ODPS, 'to_mars_dataframe', to_mars_dataframe) except ImportError: pass try: from .mars_extension import run_script_in_mars setattr(ODPS, 'run_script_in_mars', run_script_in_mars) except ImportError: pass try: from .mars_extension import run_mars_job setattr(ODPS, 'run_mars_job', run_mars_job) except ImportError: pass try: from .mars_extension import list_mars_instances setattr(ODPS, 'list_mars_instances', list_mars_instances) except ImportError: pass try: from .mars_extension import sql_to_mars_dataframe setattr(ODPS, 'sql_to_mars_dataframe', sql_to_mars_dataframe) except ImportError: pass DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = os.getenv('ODPS_ENDPOINT', os.getenv('PYODPS_ENDPOINT', DEFAULT_ENDPOINT))